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Portugalin leiri 25.2-7.3

25.2.2022 klo 08:00 - 7.3.2022 klo 17:00

List to remember:

  • Passport
  • Covid certification
  • Fill online a Passenger Locator Form (individually) at
  • European Health Insurance Card if you have!
  • Enough facemasks!
  • Orienteering lamp (if doing night-O) – remember to take to lamp/battery inside the plain in your hand luggage (not to gargo!)
  • Food
    • 25.-26.2 Dinner and Breakfast at the hotel
    • 26.2-3.3  Breakfast by accomadation (will check if need some own extras)
    • 26.2-3.3  Lunch and Dinner selfmade – together
    • 3.3-6.3 Breakfast and dinner by the accomadation
    • 3.3-6.3 Lunch selfmade (small kitchen)

Preliminary camp program – PDF here





25.2.2022 klo 08:00

7.3.2022 klo 17:00